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Störungen, Mängel,

Incident management

Störungen an Aufzügen lösen eine ganze Kette von Maßnahmen aus – die erste Einschätzung vor Ort, der Anruf bei der Wartungsfirma, die Kontrolle und Abnahme der Störungsbeseitigung… all das kostet Zeit und personelle Kapazitäten. Wir nehmen Ihnen diese Aufgabe ab und kümmern uns um alle notwendigen Schritte, damit Ihre Aufzüge möglichst schnell wieder störungsfrei fahren.

Deficity management

In about one third of all elevators inspected in Germany, defects are found that are in some cases so serious that there is a risk of the system being shut down. In such cases, it is all the more important to eliminate the defects quickly and sustainably and to comply with the deadlines for subsequent inspections. However, these are often exceeded. Relieve yourself of all tasks related to defect management! We help you with this and not only record the defects to be eliminated, but also ensure that they are eliminated professionally, arrange any necessary follow-up inspections and always keep an eye on the respective deadlines. This allows you to concentrate fully on your actual tasks.

Repair consulting

When extensive repair work is required outside the standard, it can quickly become very expensive. Especially if the high price is not matched by adequate benefits. Our experts advise you on making the technically and strategically sensible and economically reasonable decisions to keep your plants running as trouble-free as possible in the future.


We are happy to help you! Please feel free to contact us directly. You can reach us via e-mail or by phone.

We are looking forward to a personal conversation with you.
