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More Transparency for better Decisions

Elevators are indispensable in many places. They move people, transport goods and overcome barriers for people in need of assistance. The continuous safe and reliable, but at the same time cost-effective operation of elevators is therefore a top priority for operators, maintenance companies and users.

EYELEVATE brings your elevator to the Internet (IoT), creates transparency and helps you to reduce costs, save resources, rethink processes, services and business models and increase the availability of your assets.

Regardless of whether you are the owner, operator, maintenance company, user or testing service provider: EYELEVATE provides you with the relevant information and individual evaluations about "your" elevator at any time.


Your advantages by using EYELEVATE

  • Optimization of availability for elevators for which you are responsible by reporting atypical behavior as well as downtimes
  • Derivation & planning of concrete action requirements on the basis of current status information
  • Condition monitoring helps you detect defects in advance and make preventive decisions to avoid potential damage and minimize unplanned downtime
  • Change from deadline-based to usage-based maintenance intervals and modernization of maintenance
  • Verify and evaluate emergency calls, even if the other party does not respond
  • Detecting trapped persons who cannot activate the emergency call
  • Create transparent usage profiles of your elevators, as a basis for data-driven decisions
  • Analyze the actual availability/OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency) of your equipment
  • Differentiation from the competitors through digital and data-based processes, services and business models in order to increase own capacities, open up new business areas and increase customer satisfaction

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We digitize your elevator in 15 minutes

EYELEVATE is an IoT-based plug-and-play elevator monitoring retrofit system developed with our partners that can be installed non-destructively and within minutes on any common elevator with little effort.

The built-in sensors of the EYELEVATE Device monitor important functions of your elevators, so that with the help of EYELEVATE you always have your elevators in view. EYELEVATE permanently evaluates data on elevator behavior, detects atypical conditions and scenarios and reports these, for example, via the EYELEVATE app by push message to your tablet or smartphone. Via the EYELEVATE Cloud, you have access to your elevator portfolio and the current status of your installations at a glance via any common browser, create reports and evaluations or collect information for your planning. With EYELEVATE, you receive a neutral, third-party condition survey for your elevator.

Since EYELEVATE is basically not connected to the control system of the elevator system, there is no possibility of intervention from the outside despite the IoT technology and thus no increased safety risk.

Smartly connected

Digitize your elevator in just three steps and make the actual condition of your installations visible.



Access Data via
Browser or App

We train your staff or take care of the professional installation of EYELEVATE ourselves. We are also there for you in case of problems during operation. In addition, we advise you on the possible applications of EYELEVATE and work with you and your employees to develop concepts and strategies for the optimal use or evaluation of the data obtained with EYELEVATE.

You not only want continuous monitoring of your plants, but also meaningful dashboards, evaluations and reports that answer exactly your questions? In addition to our standard views, we offer you individual data evaluations and reports based on EYELEVATE data.

Always everything at a glance - via desktop, app or interface

By collecting data, EYELEVATE records the elevator's travel behavior and condition. In case of irregular elevator behavior, the user receives a notification in the EYELEVATE Cloud or the EYELEVATE App and is thus informed directly on his PC, smartphone or tablet about the system status.

The EYELEVATE app is designed for the Android and iOS operating systems and is available in the Apple App-Store plus Google Play-Store .

Das EYELEVATE Cockpit ermöglicht Ihnen einen noch detaillierteren Blick zum Status Ihrer Aufzugsanlagen.

You already use systems for monitoring and analyzing your elevators and would like to supplement them with data from EYELEVATE? We create individual interfaces for data transfer between the EYELEVATE Cloud and your system. This allows you to make data-based decisions even faster.

EYELEVATE - Digital Enabler

EYELEVATE is a remote monitoring system that detects atypical operating states or malfunctions of elevator systems in real time according to criteria defined by us. EYELEVATE is compatible regardless of the year of construction, manufacturer or elevator type. It consists of two components that can be fitted to your elevator in just a few minutes and without interfering with the elevator control system.

EYELEVATE is the basis for making information-based decisions with the help of real-time data. This enables customers to rethink, digitalize and modernize elevator operations and the associated processes, services and business models relating to elevators and adapt them to the needs of today and tomorrow.

EYELEVATE knows the current status, makes the history visible and enables planning for the future


  • Real-time messages within a few seconds in case of incidents to responsible persons
  • Platform- and vendor-independent dashboards and apps
  • Auswertung des Verhaltens Ihrer Aufzüge über definierte Zeiträume
  • Tested IT security: no possibility for unauthorized persons to intervene in the system and no connection to the elevator control system
  • Focus on trouble-free operation / fastest possible fault clearance
  • Particularly suitable for infrastructure-critical areas
  • Works completely self-sufficiently
  • non-invasive and easy to install and dismantle
  • can be easily installed in the course of an inspection
  • is maintenance-free

Contact us to schedule your test installation.


We are happy to help you! Please feel free to contact us directly. You can reach us via e-mail or by phone.

We are looking forward to a personal conversation with you.
